Butter and Buttermilk~
Making homemade butter is easy. Add onions, garlic or herbs to create your own specialty butters. Buttermilk is a delightful by product of the process that can be used in any recipe calling for buttermilk, or as a milk substitute.
  • 1 pint heavy cream*, warmed to room temperature
  1. Remove cream from fridge and set out to bring to room temperature.
  2. When ready, pour into mixing bowl. Using whisking attachement whisk at high speed.
  3. First, the cream will turn to a whipped cream consistency. This is actually whipped cream without the sugar added.
  4. Next, you will see the cream take on a yellow appearance. This is your sign that the process is about to finish (about 10 minutes).
  5. Suddenly, you will notice that the butterfat has completely seperated. It will look lumpy and be surrounded by buttermilk.
  6. With a spatula, empty the butter(fat) and buttermilk into a colander or strainer with a pan or bowl underneath. Let the excess buttermilk drip off into the pan or bowl.
  7. Place the butter(fat) on a large plate and kneed just as you would bread. This is to remove more buttermilk. As milk builds up just pour it into your bowl. It is important to remove as much as you can.
  8. Your butter can then be placed in a sealed container and placed in the fridge; the buttermilk can be poured into it's own container and refrigerated as well.
Recipe by at http://foppemasfarm.com/butter-and-buttermilk/