Farm Fresh Breakfast~
Serves: 4
The flavors of Summer come together to make this light yet satisfying breakfast. A perfect mix of sweet and salty, cold and hot, soft and crunchy.
  • 1 pound bacon
  • 1 fresh Mozzarella (16 ounce ready to serve)*
  • 1 peach*, diced
  • 1 plum*, diced
  • 1 tomato*, large, sliced thick
  • 4 eggs*, poached
  • 4 slice of bread (your choice)*, toasted and buttered
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil*
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Tomato, peach and plum will make approximately 4 servings.
  2. Cook bacon until golden brown and toast bread
  3. Dice peach and plum. In bowl, combine with olive oil and lemon juice.
  4. Cut tomato into 4 thick slices.
  5. Poach eggs.
  6. Place buttered toast on plate; add bacon, tomato, and then Mozzarella. Place poached egg next and sprinkle with fruit mixture.
  7. Salt and pepper to taste.
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