Homemade Yogurt


Homemade Yogurt~
Traditionally, yogurt differs based on the type of milk used and the culture used to ferment the milk. In America, the variations are from the type of milk used; goats milk or cows milk and wheather the milk is whole or reduced fat, or a mixture including powdered and canned milk. Yogurt should taste sweet yet tart. It goes well with fruit, sweetners, jelly, and is great just plain.
  • ¼ cup Stoneyfeild Farm organic plain yogurt
  • 1 quart milk
  1. Pour milk into sauce pan and bring to temperature (160-165 degrees). You can increase the volume of this recipe without it effecting the quality. For every quart of milk you will need ¼ cup of yogurt.
  2. When milk reaches temperature remove from heat and cool to 105-110 degrees. At this temperature you can safely add the yogurt and stir well. A whisk will help to break up the yogurt to disperse evenly.
  3. Pour cultured milk into a clean jar and add lid. I find canning jars work very well as they do not leak when laid on their sides.
  4. Roll in a large towel to retain heat and set in warm spot. This can be a sunny window, atop the pellet stove or even near a wood stove. Leave undisturbed for up to 5 hours then refrigerate.
  5. Serve chilled with fruit, maple syrup, other sweetner, jelly or just plain.

“Yogurt made the traditional way is nothing more than milk fermented by the appropriate bacteria.”

Home Food Systems, Roger B Yepsen Jr and the editors of Rodale Press.

Cooking Notes

  • Using yogurt as a starter can give you mixed results.  Using Yo’gourmet, or other  freeze dried yogurt starter will give you consistantly great results.
  • I have used Stonefeild Farms organic yogurt because it has no added ingedients and contains 8 different live cultures.
  • For the photo I swirled in a little strawberry jelly.  Jelly gives it a store bought taste.
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Homemade Yogurt

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