Mozzarella with Red Pepper & Basil

064Foppema’s Farm is now carrying Lesley Elizabeth, Inc oils.  They come in four flavors: Basil Garlic, Garlic Rosemary, Mediterranean Herb and Spice it Up!Oil.

Serve with crusty bread or drizzle on a split baguette or focaccia and broil.  Perfect for sautéing shellfish, chicken, meat or vegetables.Warm some in a pan and toss with freshly cooked pasta.

Try our recipe below for Mozarella with Red Pepper & Basil and find more recipes at lesleyelizabeth.

Mozzarella with Red Pepper & Basil~
Grilled red pepper and basil with Spice it up! oil make a great topping for crunchy garlic bread. Make this recipe for a delicate light lunch or add meat as a side for a dinner.
Serves: 4
  • 4 slices of bread*, artisan, baguette or other
  • 2 red peppers*, grilled, sliced
  • Spice it Up! Oil*
  • 1 basil, bunch*
  • 1 clove of garlic*, pressed
  • 2 tablespoons butter*, room temperature
  • 4-8 Mozzarella*, slices
  1. Cut peppers in half and place flat side down in pan. Sprinkle with Spice it Up! Oil and place under broiler. Cook until it begins to bubble, then turn peppers over. When soft, turn again and keep under broiler until top begins to blacken. When almost finished add basil to wilt. Remove from heat.
  2. Slice bread and place in broiler. Cook until golden brown, turn and cook other side the same. Remove from heat.
  3. In seperate bowl, add butter and pressed garlic; mix. Butter toast generously and place in broiler again to slightly cook the garlic. Remove.
  4. To serve: With serving tong, place pepper and basil mixture on plate. Add 1-2 slices of Mozzarella and top with more pepper and basil mixture. Drizzle with the oil from the pan. Use toast and fork to scoop up mixture for eating.


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Mozzarella with Red Pepper & Basil